How many clubs can a student enroll?

Every PSD student is encouraged to enroll in only one (1) club only.

What are considered major clubs?

Sponsored clubs such the SSG, The Link, Varsity Basketball and Volleyball (Male, Female), Hiyaw Dance Troupe, Chorale, Rondalla, and Dunong are considered major clubs in PSD.

Why can't a student enroll in two (2) or more sponsored clubs?

Sponsored clubs are fully functionalized and have respective responsibilities to facilitate/spend more time in practices just like the sports clubs thus, students are advised to enroll or focus only in one (1) sponsored club. However, from among the sponsored clubs, Dunong is the only club that is allowed to apply membership in another major club.

How do participation/membership in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities beneficial to students?

Participation/membership in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities are given points for the ranking of honors for Grade 6, 10 and 12. The Office of the Student Affairs (OSA) facilitate this process by crediting the points in the 7-2-1 scheme in which the points comprise as the “2” in the scheme.

Why can't the use of PSD Gymnasium be fully utilized for sports clubs' training and activities?

The PSD Gymnasium is also used for other school wide activities to cater the needs of the curricular requirements.

How do the parents know about the clubs?

A letter to parents with club offerings are sent out by Office of Student Affairs (OSA) to parents. The schedule of club offerings is posted on the E-desk of the school.

What is an E-desk?

E-desk is a learning management system used by PSD to communicate instructional plans to the students and guidelines to parents to make school – parental communication easier. It was first utilized by the school during the pandemic.

Do you get feedback from parents for the clubs?

Yes, parents of the small children, from Preschool to Primary levels answer the evaluation or survey conducted by the school.

For the works of all students, where do you display them?

We do not have an exhibit room, however, we still display the works of the students in the hallways and their respective classrooms.

Do you have department plans for activities?

OSA as a department is required to make an annual plan for activities that is commonly called as Action Plan.

Does the school join outside school activities?

The school joins outside school invitations, and competitions as much as it can through OSA.

Where can the students' behavior policy of the school be found, and how can the students have it?

The behavior policy of the school is found in the Student Manual and given to all new students. It is also posted in the school website.