PSD Ensures Effective Online Quarterly Assessments

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By Daniella Kite Latorre

 The last few weeks had been nerve-wracking for students as the first quarter online examinations took place. With the pandemic still affecting the different sectors, including those of education, tests had to be conducted remotely through Zoom as the video conferencing app, and the Philippine School Doha (PSD) E-desk website as the online platform for subject assessments. The Preschool up to the Senior High School (SHS) Department had their respective 3-day exams starting from 6 September until the 13th.

A simulation test was done before the examination week to identify and resolve technical problems encountered on the day of the assessment, such as experiencing glitches in the system, finding a decent setup, and having connection difficulties. Although these problems were inevitable, PSDians still managed to overcome the boundaries that challenged them. As students studied their modules and notes to prepare for the exams, teachers also had much to get ready for, from officiating the simulation test for the students to have a smooth flow of examinations to restructuring the different parts of the test to fit the needs of both online exams and examinees. “It was a 180-degree difference as remote testing is quite challenging, especially on the surroundings’ security. Room examiners have to constantly check the cameras’ angle to guarantee students’ honesty and integrity in taking the tests, a PSD faculty stated.”


Indeed, online learning challenges are not limited to students, since teachers also have to deal with the same complications. As the first quarter, online examinations had ended, and the students look back on the struggles they had overcome. It is an excellent realization of how steadfast the PSDians are. The need to be in an actual classroom may have been delayed due to the pandemic, but learning never stops. Many obstacles may hinder the course of education, but as long as the desire to learn is present, no barrier can obstruct its path.