Home > News Events > DepEd Sec salutes PSD@29 celebrations

by: Elena Castro, Micole Victoria, & Glydel Danico


Bearing the huge task of hosting this year’s events, the Intermediate Department successfully led the PSD family in its celebration of the 29th founding anniversary anchoring the theme: “Bolstering Resilience: Progressing Change for Excellence” last October 3. 

The  host department took the foundation day celebration to a new level as it was able to bring the  Secretary of the Department of Education, Leonor Magtolis Briones who  thanked and lauded PSD for “performing a great role and function in reminding our Filipinos who are abroad that their children have an opportunity to be educated according to our national curriculum.” Her message was shown during the virtual celebration live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

The department host also brought together virtually the founding parents, Philippine Professional Organizations in Qatar,  benefactors,  present and former staff through their messages and well wishes. 

School Principal Dr. Alexander S. Acosta honored the school’s adaptability, unity, and triumphant prosperity through hurdles and barriers. Showing his gratitude for the school’s 29 years of existence and service, he highlighted a double celebration for both the 29th Foundation Day and the resumption of the 100% face-to-face classes. He also reminded the students that even through the test of time, PSD remained loyal to its philosophy of Service and Excellence.

“If there is one thing that this pandemic has taught us, it is to be resilient without sacrificing service and excellence,” Dr. Acosta imparted. 

Despite the challenges and difficulties the school has encountered along the way, PSD has survived and has emerged as one of the leading institutions in the Middle East,” Mr. Edgar V. Bondoc highlighted.

Some of the highlights of the virtual program included the announcement of winners in the contests that the Intermediate Department launched: the GLIMPSE acronym challenge and the Pictalk Tiktok challenge. 

The winners in the acronym challenge were: Dr. Precioso Tano for the teacher’s category and Amber Candy Ann Sainz for the student’s category. On the other hand, the Pictalk Tiktok challenge first place winners were The Quitalig siblings and Rei Jazrell D. Blaza of Grade 3-Winterberry.


Throughout the program, various collaborations of students, teachers, and non-teaching staff from the different departments performed song covers and dance intermissions. The PSD band serenaded everyone with its performance of “Our Lives” by The Calling. 

The Administrators, headed by the school principal, along with the department vice principals, surprised the audience with their own rendition of the meaningful song popularized by Lea Salonga, The Journey.

The virtual event ended with a performance showcasing the teachers from different departments, non-teaching staff, and the Board of Trustees as they grooved to “We’re all in this Together” popularized from the High School Musical.

Later in the evening, the school, through the Human Resources Department headed by Engr. Jefferson Vismonte honored its loyal staff through a simple and intimate program held at the school gym to recognize teachers and staff who have served the school for five, ten, and fifteen years, respectively. The school also included the Service Awardees of last year who did not have the usual employees’ night program last year because of the pandemic. 

The department host also sought promotional opportunities to a wider audience through a local radio broadcasting platform, the Qabayan Radio 94.3 station.  Last September 30, a team of PSD staff visited the said radio station to plug the event. The said radio station spotlighted PSD’s 29th Foundation Day Celebration, aiming at inviting other members of the Filipino community to participate in the virtual program. 

The Intermediate Department Vice Principal, Dr. Wilgie Mae T. Serna wishes to thank her team for a job well done as well as everyone who has contributed to the success of this event. 

All these activities were done with utmost care and compliance with the health and safety protocols.