Home > News Events > JHS leads ASEAN virtual fete

by Daniella Kite Latorre

Philippine School Doha commemorated the 54th founding anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in a virtual culminating program hosted by the Social Studies Learning Area of the Junior High School (JHS) Department last August 9.

Attended by school administrators, faculty and students of the JHS, the event highlighted the winning infomercials from each of the four levels. These infomercials aimed at sharing knowledge, communicating with people, informing our learners, as well as our teachers and officials about our partnerships, the levels of cooperation that we have attained, and how we worked together not just as one isolated country but always together with other ASEAN countries— the essence of the Department of Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones’ speech published on the agency’s website.

School principal Dr. Alexander S. Acosta officially welcomed the teachers and students to the program as he delivered his opening remarks, posing a challenge to the students to actualize the school’s philosophy of service and excellence by adding two more lines to this year’s tagline of ASEAN:

We care. We prepare. We prosper.

Dr. Acosta posited the inclusion of the lines: “We render. We persevere.”, stressing that with perseverance, ASEAN’s thrust could be realized.

Entries of the infomercial contest were offshoots from the respective Social Studies class outputs pre-assigned by their teachers to inspire PSDians to care for each other’s well-being, prepare for future challenges, and prosper together as one community.

Among the winners were Grade 7 – Armstrong claiming the first spot for the Grade 7 level as their infomercial dwelled on how the ASEAN came to be, its role in sustaining peace, and its contributions despite the ongoing pandemic. Moving on to the 8th Grade, Hooke triumphed as number one with their entry entitled “ASEAN 2021: For a Better Tomorrow, Together”. Grade 9 – Boyle also successfully achieved first place with their video called “Clean the Future, Unite as One”. Two sections in Grade 10 went on a tie: Pascal’s infomercial featuring a rap about the ASEAN leaders’ working together in tough times in order to prosper and Thomson’s “ASEAN: Rise as One” went neck and neck as Grade 10 victors.

The program concluded with JHS Vice Principal, Dr Caridad A. Cañete’s message,

With these in mind, you, PSDians will prosper in everything that you do,”.

reminding the students to show concern towards the general public and preparing oneself for what lies ahead.

This event was in coordination with the Social Studies teachers with their Subject leader, Miss Sherilyn D. Apruebo.

The ASEAN is an organization that aims to accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development— promoting peace and stability among countries in the Southeast Asian region (Europarl, 2009).


Overview of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. (2009). Retrieved from https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2004_2009/documents/fd/04_asean-generalin/04_asean-generalinfo.pdf