PSD Addresses Student Body Concerns Through Peace Envoy

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By Shayra Laja and Kara Cabangcalan


The School Consultation (Peace Envoy) tackled the student body’s numerous concerns on September 16 via a Zoom meeting. Through a presentation and a Question and Answer Portion, the concerns of the Intermediate, Junior High School (JHS), and Senior High School (SHS) departments were redirected to the school management through their respective class presidents, who were the sole representatives of their section. This provided the students an avenue to share their insights and suggestions, thereby allowing them to feel a broader sense of belongingness to PSD. To formally start the program, Enya Lardizabal, Peace Envoy Ambassadress, led the opening prayer, followed by the cordial greetings of Ms. Melissa Montayre, the Vice Principal of the Student Affairs. She presented the general guidelines and acknowledged the presence of the School Principal, Dr. Alexander S. Acosta. Ms. Montayre also informed the class presidents from each department to contact her through her email should they have any additional concerns. She later proceeded to discuss the PowerPoint Presentation, which addressed the concerns of both students and teachers. These included the quantity and difficulty of school projects and quizzes, resending of activities due to technical difficulties, uncooperative group members, submission dates of projects, and the Sunday-Saturday schedule.


Additionally, the appropriate solutions and suggestions of the school management accompanied each problem. Also,  Dr. Acosta took the opportunity to emphasize the need for a harmonious relationship with the students and ensure that their concerns will be well taken care of. He also understands the anxiety and boredom of the pupils. However, their safety must be considered as it is the school’s and the parents’ top priority. He ended his message by further encouraging the students’ openness to their teachers and guidance counselors for effective communication. Shortly after Dr. Acosta expressed his readiness to hear all concerns, the open forum finally commenced, giving the presidents a chance to voice their class’s concerns. The scope of the matters discussed are as follows: problems and feedbacks regarding the recently concluded examinations; difficulties encountered in various subjects; concerns about the academic load of younger students; complications in attending online sessions; struggles relating to the submission of projects; apprehension in the implementation of face to face classes; inquiries about the execution of award ceremonies; and lastly, suggestions for a better overall learning experience.


As the forum came to an end, Dr. Acosta reassured everyone that their concerns would be raised to proper authorities and all parties involved, with high hopes that they will be immediately resolved. He then conveyed sincere gratitude to the students for their complete trust in the school and affirmed that the entire management would be exercising full tolerance and patience at all times. As he ended his message with a promise that the school will do its best to correct its shortcomings, his very words echoed the dedication of the whole faculty and staff to their commitment in providing quality education to all PSDians. Not only did this event serve its purpose, but it also became a window of opportunity for the school to instill discipline, understanding, and responsibility in the minds and hearts of all its students