By: Rachel Casipit
The Guidance Office, headed by its vice principal, Mr. Jerome B. Constantino, had administered a standards-based assessment tool called as the Performance Assessment of Standards and Skills (PASS) to the students of Philippine School Doha. It is an assessment developed by the Global Resources for Assessment Curriculum and Evaluation (GRACE) and was taken by all the students starting from the Grade 1 level until the Grade 12 level last August 5 and 6 in their respective classrooms.
With the supervision of Ms. Angela M. Caparas, it was the aim of the Guidance Office to attain the comprehensive evaluations designed to identify the proficiency levels of the students in Math, English, Science and Filipino as set by the Philippine Department of Education. The test itself had undergone the standard and stringent process of test development to ensure its assessment quality. It was a two-day testing on behalf of the Grade 12 students who had an evaluation of their readiness for college which was taken on the second day.
The levels of proficiency which is obtained after the results of the tests have been finalized was divided into five : Beginning (where the student struggled and have not have acquired any fundamental knowledge), Developing (where the students possess minimum knowledge and needed development), Approaching Proficiency (where the students have developed the fundamental knowledge skills), Proficient (where the students have obtained core understandings, and can transfer them through performance tasks) and lastly, Advanced (where the students exceeded the core requirements in terms of knowledge, skills, and understandings).
Based on the results, these comprehensive evaluations can cater to the students’ learning strengths and weaknesses, as well as their learning style. Truly, PSD is bold enough to take up something new as it is the first time for PSDians to take this standards-based assessment tool developed by GRACE.